Innuos Zen MK3 vs Aurender N100

Thinking of celebrating my 50th with an upgrade to my system. Currently, using an old mac mini (so old can't upgrade the OS anymore) to MHDT Atlantis, Melody EL34 amp and Zu Druid V speakers. I have read some great things about the Zen and heard it running through an Ideon Ayazi dac and DeVore speakers which was amazing, sounded like the band was in the room, but have also read that some people are having issues with the Sense app. The aurrender also gets good reviews but concerned, whether this is warranted I am not sure, that its technology is getting a little dated as it was released quite a few years ago. Any thoughts?


Showing 2 responses by sdl4

I have been very happy with the Innuos Zen Mk3 and the Sense app. I have not experienced any problems with Sense, although a few users reported early problems that have been resolved. I do not have any experience with Aurender, and I do not use Roon. 

Overall, I agree with chilehed's comment that "Sense is very solid and sounds great."

When I bought my Innuos Zen Mk3, I considered the possibility of getting the Zen Mini instead. My dealer told me that he thought the sound quality of the Zen was a significant upgrade over the Mini and that the cost increase wasn't very large once the added cost of the external power supply for the Mini was figured in. He also mentioned that paying for the DAC built into the Mini was a wasted expense if you were planning to use a better external DAC anyway.