Innuos Zen MK3 tips and tricks

I am purchasing an Innuos Zen MK3 with 1TB.  Will be streaming QoBuz and ripping CDs Qobuz doesn’t have, mostly extras from box sets and live sets.  I will be using the Innuos app controlling the unit from my iPad.  Please share any tips or tricks you’ve learned from running a similar setup.  For example, settings for ripping CDs etc.  


Thanks for all the information.  Will try and see how it sounds in my system.  

Take time to try isolation under the chassis, I have found that makes a positive difference.  Also, 100% agree with comments about the Sense app sounding better than Roon. 

@koslekt1 +1

SortKones TC or even better Stillpoints make a big difference.

Also, very sensitive to Power Cable

Synergistic Research fuses.  I have Pink.

@bassbuyer If you look at the rear panel of the Zen Mini Mk3 you will see the DC inlet accepts 9-24v.

I have it on good authority that, if everything else were to stay the same, simply turning up the wick to provide a higher DC input voltage will run the circuitry in its sweet spot.

The stock wall wart produces 12v.

The Zen LPSU produces 16v.

Innuos would doubtless argue that a warranty is invalid if you use anything other than one of their PSUs (even a 12v or 16v from another manufacturer) but loads of people do.

I actually run mine with a customised LPSU producing around 21v ie. with around 10% safety margin, though one would imagine the 24v stated on the rear panel also has a margin of error of its own on top of that. It doesn't run physically hot at 21v ! My combo has been on 24/7 for over a year and continues to deilver faultless service and smiles.

This might be for further down the line but I thought I would share a potential upgrade path for you.