Innuos statement

Just upgraded yesterday from the innuos zenith mk3 to the innuos statement. It is a huge step forward. 
The jump in performance from one level to another was clear and obvious, and the improvement was across the board fantastic.  The background was quieter. The dynamics were better. The detail is just more....

I had originally ordered a innuos Phoenix. As I started to look at the cost for a new USB and a new power cord (plus the dollars from the sale of my zenith) and the cost of the Phoenix, I realized that I was getting close to the cost of the statement. I never got the Phoenix in my system but I have read that the combination of the Phoenix and the zenith mkiii is 90% of the statement. Really glad I went full Monty. 
This is by far the single biggest improvement in sound quality that I have added.

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Showing 5 responses by biketony

jriggy,.. The unit was just turned on when I first posted.  The unit has been on for a little over 48 hours as of now. And maybe you are right that the changes were a little exaggerated. Today it seems to be smoother. But Better. More open. Having a hard time going to bed at a decent time.

thyname..Thank you. I truly agree with you. 
Audiotroy... I am interested in what tweaks you can pass on. I will PM tomorrow.

Curious if anyone has tried the “M12 switch IE Gold” ?

1-For power cord I am using a shunyata Delta NR. But thinking about upgrading to a Kubala Sosna 15 amp Emotion power cable. Right now using 20 Amp kubala emotion power cords on my amps and preamp. 2-Is the Chord cable you’re mentioning the “Burndy Cable” ?
is the correct cable the 7 or 9 pin ?
Defiantly considering the statement-specific umbilical cord. 

I agree with you on the chord umbilical. I did purchase one used. And it was a significant amount of detail added. Using a kubala sosna emotion power cord, also using kubala sosna emotion usb, love the statement. 
I also play mostly redbook cd’s from my NAS, tidal and Qobuz. 


just saw your post. Did you get both the innuos statement and the c53 ?

what are your thoughts ?

what streamer did you have before ?