Innuos - New Player App

Has anyone heard a update on timing for Innuos to release the player app they are developing?  Also, any insights into the features the app will offer?
I talked to Innuos UK last week , they seem to indicate that a whole new OS will be released in January, the version number will not be 1.4.x or 1.5, but 2.0 or something like it, which seems to indicate a major update/enhancement. No further details.......

.... and since I'm new here, I would like to know if anyone on this Innuos thread knows how to "root" the system in order to be able to access the file system from a Windows File Explorer on a PC, just as one would do on a NAS or network disk. Thank you !
Another intermediate update 1.4.7 is now available. Google Innuos update 1.4.7 for instructions. It appears mainly to treat some Tidal problems.

Oh, that's interesting. I have too high hopes for this app and the latest update, I don't want to be disappointed.