Innuos - New Player App

Has anyone heard a update on timing for Innuos to release the player app they are developing?  Also, any insights into the features the app will offer?
In also curious as to when. The iPeng (iOS) route connecting to MySqueezebox is causing me/employees a great big headache.
You need to be sure your firmware is at the present version 1.4.6. The update to 2.0 which will include a player function should be "within a few weeks" per a note I just received.

Does anyone know what Innuous firmware 1.4.6 adds over the previous firmware version? I just updated mine and I think it has made some sound quality improvements...or is it the placebo effect?

I found this on the Innuos web site. The details to the latest release even though it is dated for 02/12/2020. I thought the 1.4.6 release was very recent?


Released 02/12/2020

This release upgrades the base innuOS libraries in preparation for innuOS 2.0. It also upgrades the internal music library (LMS) and UPnP (AssetUPnP) to latest releases as well as bug fixes and general performance improvements.

Please note this is a long update that can take up to 30 minutes depending on the speed of your Internet connection. Please do not turn off your system until the update is complete.

New Features
  • Updated Logitech Media Server to version 8.0.1
  • Updated AssetUPNP to version 7.0
  • New TIDAL configuration procedure to adapt to changes on TIDAL integration
  • Fixes issues with Spotify not logging in
  • dCS Mosaic now lists albums sorted by track number and not alphabetically
  • Fixes Native DSD options - now all 3 modes (Transcode, DoP and Native) are explicit
  • Fixes issue on accessing network shares on latest Mac OS X or some Windows machines on a Domain
  • Fixes issue with errors connecting to NAS when the password contained "$" characters
  • Fixes some DNS issues on some network routers
  • Other small fixes and enhancements.
Enter your text ...
I have checked weekly for months to upgrade my Innuos Zen mini mk ii.I checked the Innuos web site last week and discovered the 1.4.6, and wrote to Innuos that I could not access the update. When I checked Monday, I was able to update for the first time. Note that a major part of the update is for the Music Library. Be forewarned that last night when I triggered the "Rebuild Music Library" function, it took over 5 hours.

timo62221 posts12-10-2020 9:57am

I found this on the Innuos web site. The details to the latest release even though it is dated for 02/12/2020. I thought the 1.4.6 release was very recent?


Released 02/12/2020

It is a European company. 02/12/2020 means December 2, 2020

Thanks for the correction on the date. I forgot about the European date difference. 
@thyname @timo62 I believe the OP may have been asking about the new 2.0 expected to launch soon.
@jmphotography  Yes I know. The current version 1.4.6 was released on December 2, 2020. The new version 2.0 will be launched soon 
I talked to Innuos UK last week , they seem to indicate that a whole new OS will be released in January, the version number will not be 1.4.x or 1.5, but 2.0 or something like it, which seems to indicate a major update/enhancement. No further details.......

.... and since I'm new here, I would like to know if anyone on this Innuos thread knows how to "root" the system in order to be able to access the file system from a Windows File Explorer on a PC, just as one would do on a NAS or network disk. Thank you !
Another intermediate update 1.4.7 is now available. Google Innuos update 1.4.7 for instructions. It appears mainly to treat some Tidal problems.

Oh, that's interesting. I have too high hopes for this app and the latest update, I don't want to be disappointed.