@inna Tell me your speakers and I'll tell you who you are

@inna. You said: "Tell me what speakers you choose and why and I'll tell you who you are."
ESL57. Love their see-through transparency. Fire away!
Newbie here. Didn't really get to choose. Best friends made me a deal on Mirage M1's and a Cary V8i. Found a Audio Research SP11 and I'm off to a good start!
Wilson Audio Watt/ Puppies
And I disagree- speakers do sound different with different amps.  I drive my WA with Krell- a killer combo!
Tell me what speakers you choose and why ....
Daedalus Ulysses, in quarter sawn white oak solid hardwood.


1)Top-notch sound quality.
2)Wide dynamic range, specifically the ability to cleanly reproduce the peaks of well-recorded classical symphonic music, which on some of the recordings in my collection can reach 105 db at the listening position.
3)Doesn’t require a high-powered amplifier to do so.
4)Doesn’t require a subwoofer.
5)Tube-friendly impedance characteristics; great versatility with respect to amplifier selection.
6)Good imaging.
7)Elegant, refined appearance that is a reasonable match to my wood-panelled 1950s living room.
8)A price that is considerably less than that of a new car.

-- Al