Injecting one sub to Benchmark system…

Noob here and just hooked up my new Benchmark AHB2 and DAC3 HGC with pair of Totem1 bookshelf speakers.

I have a Velodyne SPL-R series subwoofer and would like to connect this. I’m seeing a lot of varied advice on the web on how to do this and thought I would come here for better advice.

Not even sure if the sub would connect to the preamp or the amp….any suggestions?



Showing 3 responses by dabel

@james633 is absolutely correct, and I’ve been using this exact configuration for quite some time with dual passive TV-12 Ultra drivers.

Those darn XLR Attenuator pads / jumpers I have moved around more then I’d care to admit. It has been a while though, but by golly, it’s fun to play.



Your last paragraph is perfection!

You’ve now mentioned “twice” (or has it been once) using headphone output. Funny, for I’ve also done such configuration on an older Vintage piece of gear which had no pre-out. Receiver > Amp. What can I say other than I love my tone controls, and desired to still utilize them with the added headroom. Likely somewhat of a impedance mismatch but hey, it worked.
