Initial impressions of the new PS Audio "Windom" download?

There has not been many comments on the new Windom download yet, unlike when Snowmass was first introduced. I'm not sure what to make of this; plus, there have been a few concerning comments about about treble brightness. I'm sitting on the fence right now, so I'm hoping for some helpful and informative comments.

Showing 2 responses by cap

Its far better than Snowmass on my set up. So much better that its like new speakers ! I have not experienced any loading issues that I know as it sounds good right from the get go and a few reloads are the same GREAT !
The music is not the only improvement ! I loaded Bubble UnPn and for some reason its far better then Mconnect !

 The depth and dead space between instruments is far better than Snowmass.  Percussion in the classical sense should have slam and dry fast decay not muddy subwoofer thump and pant leg moving lag ! WINDOM does this for my system.