Initial GMA Europa impressions and a few questions

I just recieved my Europas today and put them through their paces with a little jazz and female vocals. I bought a dealer's demo pair so they have around 100 hours on them so far. I remember reading that Roy recommends a good 300 hour break in period before they realy come into their own. How did your improve after 100 hours?

My initial impressions are that they sound incredibly natural. My other speakers always sounded bright and harsh on some music. The Europas have tamed probably 95% of this and the other 5% is likely due to other system issues. Do you think there will be a further smoothing out of the harshness as the speakers fully break in?

I am impressed with the bass. For a monitor, the Europas can provide a solid low end punch. I am looking forward to the rest of the break in period and seeing what the Europas can do.

Showing 2 responses by drubin

In their fully broken-in state, would you GMA and Europa owners
describe these speakers as being forward sounding, i.e., front row
perspective? I ask because I have heard so many great things about
these speakers, and the Europas are so affordable, but I strongly prefer a
more distant perspective (middle of orchestra or back 20-30 feet in the
jazz club). What do you think?

Also, which stands are you using with the Europas? Are any of you using
adjustable-height stands?