Initial disappointment with 1st set of “expensive’ IC’s...

I’ve been slow working my way to equipping my rig with all Cardas as I’ve been fan of their quality/sound signature an for a long time. I just received 2 sets of Clear Light IC’s which I’m using DAC to Pre and Pre to Amp. up until now all other Cardas cables that I have were obtained used and sounded great from day 1. The Clear Light however are brand new..when I sat down to give them a listen I was surprised not to hear any improvement...I was actually disappointed to hear what I can describe as a fatter bass and subdued upper end. My prior IC’s were Shirokazu Yazaki Belden 8402. I admittedly do not have golden ears but the difference was obvious. I’m interested to hear what other Cardas owners have to say about how their cables sounded when 1st installed. 

Showing 4 responses by raysmtb1

It’s a lot easier if you buy a pre-amp with tone controls. Then you don’t have this fishing expedition of which cable is going to change the sound of my system. Something that they were never meant to do .
It’s a lot easier if you buy a pre-amp with tone controls. Then you don’t have this fishing expedition of which cable is going to change the sound of my system. Something that they were never meant to do .
I’ve love music my entire life. I had an accident 3 1/2 years ago on my mountain bike and became a quadriplegic. I spent all day listening to music and over the past year I have put together a $60,000 Macintosh system. I have never heard speaker wires or inner K’NEX change.I listen to a lot of the same music at least eight hours a day and I couldn’t tell you from day to day if anything is changed. I’ll never understand what are you guys here that I don’t
Thanks everyone for the kind wishes. It means a lot there’s too much bad this gets tossed around on this site