Information for Joule Electra LA100 Mark III

if someone has an owner's manual for this preamp and can email a copy to me,or just mail it I would really appreciate that.Also what is your opinion on LA200 and LA150 preamps,how would you compare these 3 to each other?Thanks a lot.

Showing 2 responses by jud_barber

The MKII version of the LA-150 has a richer more musical sound than the earlier versions. The gain stage uses all 6350's (no more Rusian tubes)but otherwise is identical in topology to the original 150.

Jud Barber - Joule Electra
The original LA-150's can be upgraded to the MII but the hand ful of LA-100's that were converted to the 150 topology cannot. There is not enough room on the signal board to accomodate the extra tube.

Jud Barber - Joule Electra