
The Bonn N8 was $399 in 2020. Now it is $549.

Either buy your stuff now or convert bucks to gold.

Newmont was up 5.4% today.


Showing 4 responses by noske

The Bonn N8 was $399 in 2020. Now it is $549.

Perhaps its been upgraded and enhanced to be even more superior than it was previously.   You don't get that with gold or silver or dirt.

inflation is managed through the Fed

The Fed knows not what they do.  A topic for perhaps another forum.

Watch out.

Realistically, my guess is that in specific cases, it is due to supply chain issues. They can be cumulative - a delay (or a price increase) in a primary component affects everything that went after it in the chain. 

Especially sensitive products would be those where there are specific proprietary components being delayed. That is, there is no substitute for them.

When the AKM DAC chip factory went poof, there were available other established DAC chip makers and DAC manufacturers adapted. 

In the meantime though, apparently the prices of remaining AKM chips skyrocketed.

@socalml528 Yes, @noske, the FEDs are top economists in the country and recent inflation cycles don’t comply with our daily existence.

Bearing in mind that the current Fed head honcho, Jerome Powell, has no formal economics education and was a lawyer by trade. My opinion - he does what he is told to do and say, including the mantra that any inflation was going to be "transitory". Uh huh.

Influential economists to the Fed subscribe to what is known as Modern Monetary Theory. This is bad economics because it is built on some bad assumptions that prudent economists and most normal thinking people do not subscribe to.

So I got some prickles when the words manage, inflation, and the Fed were used in about one short sentence.

I thought I suggested this was perhaps not the appropriate forum? But if its OK with AG mods...

Watching Led Zeppelin 2008. After the gig (its contrived and all, and pretty good if you can forget all that) Robert went to his local bar by himself, got smashed with a few other regulars there and said to himself about the gig "never again".