Infinity RS 1b the one with 4 Towers - Recommend?

I have a working Infinity RS 1b system. The base drivers are fine.

Trouble is that I have not used this system for over 7 years. Is this system still competitive? Is there any market for it?

Any advice would be most appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by jimmymac928

Guys -
This is most helpful and encouraging.
Keep the comments coming.

By the way, the system comes with a crossover box. Is that what I should be using or something else?

Thanks a ton .... and may your ears stay perfect as long as you live.

Now I just have to decide whether to keep and reactivate them, or sell them.

One more thing guys

For power, I used to use bi amped mode to power the RS Ib.:

- A couple of Krell mono amps (Krell KMA100 Class A) and
- A Mark Levinson (ML-9).

Is this enough power?
Are these amps up to the task?
