Infinity QLS 4

Had an unexpected opportunity to pick up a pair of beautiful all original qls 4's.  Remarkable survivors, surely could use some crossover work but otherwise in perfect condition. Original Watkins.  As an Infinity junkie, since the late eighties, would kind of like to put this in my collection.   Just curious if anybody has thoughts on their legitimate market value.
QLS4, one of the few I haven't heard. 1, 2, 3, yes. The QLS2 is one of my all time favorites. I'm a big fan of the RS2b too.  Like you I'm a Infinity, person, and close to the same amount of time.

Let me ask you, what do think of them. That single dome, single ribbon, and single Wilson.  I never was happy with the bass in any of the QLS
speakers, it was always boomy... I always had to pull the stuffing and add very corse, fiberglass, helped a LOT, with the boomy, thing.

The mids and highs, though..  they could really bring it home.


Without going to the two box IRS Beta, these Gamma’s were my favorite manageable Infinity.
They had scale, imaging and depth qualities that not much could match.
As with most of their higher end range of speakers both these Infinity's needed high current Krell like amps.

Cheers George