Infinity Primus P363 TAS review

Wow REG claims these speakers are "In many fundamental ways they are in the top echelon of anything out there."....These sell for $199! He says they aren't just good for the money but good period. Anyone heard these things?

Showing 7 responses by phasecorrect

I brought up the Stereo Review recommendation as TAS was mentioned in the original post...those publication aside...Infinity p360/363 are an overachieving product at their price fact everything review I have encountered has been positive.
I have the original 360 that came out yes ago and Stereo Review raved about...Very balanced sound for a floorstander in this range...imaging,transparency, soundstaging are top notch...something had to give at this price point and that is resolution... Still, nicely laid back speaker and a great bargain...
Let's get back to the original post which is about the a nut shell...its a sub $500 full range speaker that can compete with 1.5-2k products...and handle 5k worth of electronics... Its that well engineered
Point being...Harmon has deep.pockets... Which trickles down to modest products like Infinity...which most can afford...for the majority of us...the average 100k speaker system in a cinema ewuates to "state of the art"...but it is nice that JBL has not abandoned hi end 2 channel... And produced a statement that few have even heard let alone afford
What do the Infinities suck at?...Simply robbying one of the great luxury of overspending then having to justify that purchase...
Every company has an evolution... And as many know...Infinity was the hi end in the 70s/80s with their Emit the later part of the 80s they dumbed down their RS series...and started using the very fatiguing, polarizing Polycell tweeter...things eventually improved with the advent of their CMMD drivers, computer analysis, and the deep.pockets of HI...which is why I don't find the stellar reviews of Primus products so surprising...their Sister company happens to be Revel.