Infinity Primus P363 TAS review

Wow REG claims these speakers are "In many fundamental ways they are in the top echelon of anything out there."....These sell for $199! He says they aren't just good for the money but good period. Anyone heard these things?

Showing 1 response by jimmy2615

Around 2003 or so I bought the latest "cheap" Infinity speakers (don't remember the model) while I was waiting for new speakers to arrive. They had great reviews if I recall correctly. May be IL series? Not sure. Previously, I had some reference models (RS2, RS4) which were really fantastic. These speakers were not expensive and sounded natural overall, seemed to be well engineered. Anyway, thinking I would get a great speaker that "must be better" than the older RS series I was used to, I was amazed at how terrible they were. Boxy sounding and like they were out of phase. Hollow. But the RS series were great ! (you can find these on Craigslist for less than $100 - great deal). So, point is, my experience from Infinity is mixed. I have also heard a lot of their speakers from the 80s, all of which were great. So proceed with caution and listen first. I took this review with a grain of salt based on my experiences.