Infinity Intermezzo 4.1T Towers.

Does anyone own or heard the Infinity Intermezzo 4.1t tower speakers?
They look very impressive, and there are some great close-out deals going on them.
I also read that they share alot of the technology as the top-of-the-line Infinity Preludes.
What are your impressions of these sonically?
What are there sonic strengths and weaknesses?
How do they compare with other speakers in their original [$5,000.00 per pair] price range?
Thank you for your responses.

Showing 2 responses by jcadwell

Okeeteekid, the drivers in the Intermezzo are much different than in the Preludes. Please check your facts. Mine are going strong with zero issues and still sound wonderful, especially with piano music.


I have spoken with some of the folks at Infinity and the IM 4.1 remain one of their favorite speakers.
These are the last of the big time Infinities. Great bargain on the used market. Can't add much to the review above except to say that these tend to more of the solid West Coast sound as opposed to the floaty transparent East Coast sound. GREAT with tube amps, am driving mine with a Van Alstine U 70 and have no want for dynamics or volume. They do show up on the used market but not very often and I suspect that there are still many pairs in happy homes. I think that some of the ones being sold were never set up properly as the owners didn't have a clue. I helped a friend buy a pair with the matching center and the rabos disc had never been taken out of the packaging and the controls never changed.