Infinity Intermezzo 4.1T Towers.

Does anyone own or heard the Infinity Intermezzo 4.1t tower speakers?
They look very impressive, and there are some great close-out deals going on them.
I also read that they share alot of the technology as the top-of-the-line Infinity Preludes.
What are your impressions of these sonically?
What are there sonic strengths and weaknesses?
How do they compare with other speakers in their original [$5,000.00 per pair] price range?
Thank you for your responses.

Showing 1 response by binaural

phildoc, could you please elaborate on how your 3.5" driver was repaired. One of my Prelude MTS towers has a midrange with the magnet delamination issue raising it's ugly head. Most of what I have read suggests they can't be repaired and need to be replaced. This offers some hope since locating drivers seems all but impossible.