Infinite bafflement?

I was just reading a review of the Linn Ninka loudspeakers, and noted that their design is described as "infinite baffle," which seems to mean that there is no port. Is this the same as what I used to know back in the day as acoustic suspension, or is this an altogether more modern and different beast? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by ojgalli

Acoustic suspension and infinite baffle are different. An acoustic suspension is a sealed enclosure that has an air volume less than the equivalent air volume compliance, the Vas, of the driver, usually less than half. An infinite baffle is also a sealed enclosure, but with an air volume greater than the Vas of the driver.

Open baffle, electrostatic, or panel/planar, are not infinite baffle because the back wave is not isolated.

The size of the enclosure is not necessarily an indicator. A driver with a Vas of 12L in a 16L enclosure is an infinite baffle. A driver with a Vas of 34L in the same enclosure is an acoustic suspension.
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