inexpensive preamp for Ayre V3 with Green Mountain

I am working on a budget with Green Mountain Europa speakers. They are great speakers and given the space I am working with, a really good match. My challenge now is to find the right amp/pre-amp combination that fits my budget.

I have settled an Ayre V3 amp and will spend most of my cash on it. I need an inexpensive pre-amp to provide volume control with a remote. Of the sub-$1000 solid state pre-amps, does anyone have a recommendation? I need 2 inputs, balance out, and a set of single end pre-outs for subwoofer. Current bargains on Audiogon include:
Celeste Sim Audio
classe cp60
bryston bp 25
proceed Pre
Music Fidelity A3
Audio Refinement

Lots of options - opinions or feedback based on experience will be appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by shakeydeal

Nothing on your list will likely beat that used Sonic Euphoria balanced pre from MSS Audio right here on the Gon. No affiliation, just a happy SE owner. And it should work fine with your Ayre amp.

"I have an Ayre V3 listed on Craiglist in electronics ,and a Classe CP-60 Pre-Amp.under High End Stereo Equipment For Sale.Randy 404-642-2294."

Wow! Not sure how this one got by the Mods. Wake up guys......
