Inexpensive high efficiency bookshelf speakers


Can you please suggest some inexpensive ( <$1000) high efficiency (about 95 dB) bookshelf or small floor standing speakers ?
Thank you

Showing 1 response by issabre

Sequerra MET 7 Mk VI. I have the Mark II but its essentially the same design. I can't tell you how much I've enjoyed these speakers. I replaced a pair of Vandersteen 2CEs as I had to travel to Africa to live and needed something portable. I was floored when I realized these little monitors were much better than the Vandys at about 1/10 their size.

Many folks will tell you that they regret selling their Sequerras. I think that Dick still sells them direct for $850 per pair. What a steal.

Get some good stands. I think they are relatively efficient...i use a 10 watt Sophia tube amp and they drive them to reasonable levels....although I don't listen too loudly.