Inexpensive CD Transport

I just purchesed an old Wadia 32 D/A and currently have a new NAD C540 CD player. I hate to waste the DAC in the 540 (24/96) so I am thinking about selling it and getting an older player or transport unit -- I love the sound of the Wadia 32. I have also considered getting a multi disc player for convenience. Any suggestions or should I just keep the NAD...also are there any issues with the digital out on the 24/96 player and the older Wadia? Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by rute1

I used the Acurus ACD-11 as transport, great CDT for money also cheapest in used market around $350 you'll get it like new, Rega CDP also good for money. Good luck.
Patriot- Actuall I use to own both Micromega Stage 3 and Acurus ACD-11, as you want to use as transport I recommend ACD-11 but if you want a one box digital go with Micromega. Regards, Rute.