Increasing height of stand-mount -- what to expect

I'd like to increase the height of my stand mount loudspeakers, perhaps by putting something on the floor and then setting the spiked stands atop that piece of stone or whatever. (They are dedicated stands, so I'd not want to put something between them and the speakers.) What I'm after mostly is getting the tweeter more on a level with my ears, but I'm wondering if increasing the height of the speakers would have other effects, mucking with the bass, for example.
Yes, I know I could just try it out and listen to find out what happens, but I'm wondering if there's some rule of thumb, something to anticipate.
-- Howard

Showing 1 response by timrhu

It depends on the speakers. Of course the general rule is to have your ears at the same height of the tweeters but with two particular speakers I have found this didn't work. My Silverline SR11s sounded much better with the tweeter raised a few inches above my ear. It was opposite with a pair of PMC DB1i speakers. The PMCs sounded best with the tweeter 4/5 inches lower. That was a bit of a shock.