Incoming ... Joseph Audio Pulsars

WHOOPEE!!!!! Today, I parted finally with my beloved B&W N804s in favor of a pair of JA Pulsars in the Sapele Finish. Using temporarily a pair of Target stands until the Sound Anchors come in. I only have a couple of hours on these speakers, but they image like crazy and the sound is exquisite and non-fatiguing. They are much better suited to my 10x10x8 room than the B&Ws. Will post a more in-depth review after they’re broken in a bit more. This has been SOME St. Patty’s Day!

Showing 3 responses by oem-wheels

since you didn't want to tell me, I found a review that mentioned the price..  WOW.
Well if you makes you happy, then its worth every penny.. Everything is expensive in audio if you want something real nice.. I'm wanting the new Paradigm Persona B and that's the same price as yours.. I have the Signature S2v3 right now.. Waiting for a used pair to come up..