In-Wall Long Runs of Speaker Cable

I am going to be setting up a home theater system in my living room and need to run the speaker cable through the wall. Going through the archives it looks like Canare seems to be the standard. Is that still the case? Anyone use the LAT International in-wall cable, the Belden cable from Blue Jean Cables or anything else with satisfied results? I would like to stay around $2-3/foot. I appreciate any suggestions.


Showing 1 response by ckoffend

Try the Transparent Opus MM2, I believe it should be right around $2/3 per foot (you mean $2/3 thousand / foot, right?). Actually, you should check some of the speaker cable archives as there are many who find the stuff purchased at HDepot and Lowes very good (I believe that is the solid core vs. stranded wires). I am not 100% certain, but I believe it is refered to as Romex?