In the under $2500 category, diminishing returns?

In the less than $2500 (new/used) category for integrated amps, is there a point of diminishing returns?

Here's my situation, I'd like to set up a system around a pair of Maggies (MMG) I already have. One source will be my iMac with a Music Streamer DAC. I'll likely have a modest turntable soon too (Rega RP-1). I listen to a wide variety of things, but let's just say... Radiohead
I can budget upto $2500 for an amp, but would love to spend much less than that and sink the rest into CDs and vinyl.
An NAD C 326BEE can be had for around $4-500. A Music Fidelity A5 (used) for about $1500. Would there be a 3x difference between the two? Can I get a significant upgrade in sound by spending the whole $2500? I'd like to hear your thoughts.

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