In need of a pair of MCA11FC-H143 SEAS midrange woofers

Hello everybody,

I am desperately looking for at least one NOS, or a pair rather of the above discontinued SEAS mid-woofers. Any ideas or assistance will be greatly appreciated. My research have so far ended up in vein with no luck. I am trying to avoid re-foaming kits but if I am left with no other choice I am going to have to consider. Love !! my speakers and don't want to replace them.

Thanks for your time



If you have the original drivers, Madisound or some other company can fix them to as good as new. You search won't be in vain. 

Thank you Roxy, i will keep trying to find (as I prefer) a new old stock somewhere. I know there must be a pair or two somewhere on earth....if not, that will be a last result.