In Memory of Henry Kloss

NPR just now announced Mr. Kloss' passing last Thursday. Around 1975 my second-ever real pair of hi-fi speakers were his big Advents. I was glad to have them and they continue in daily service today.
Another pioneer and giant of our hobby passes -- sad, very sad. Over the past 40+ years as an audiophile, I've owned a number of audio products that Kloss designed or co-designed. Hope he's enjoying the ORIGINAL high-end system. He certainly tried to bring heavenly music to us earthbound mortals...
Sad to hear about Henry. He was one of the founders at Acoustic Research and he was the "K" in KLH, and was also the founder of Advent and Cambridge Audio. Along with the Original Advent and small Advent loudspeakers, Advent went on to make several other breakthrough products. One was the Advent Cassette Deck which introduced hi fidelity sound to the cassette medium. This deck paved the way for the Nakamichi's, which would come later. I also remember the Advent Videobeam TV projector, also a pioneering product in its day. At the age of 19, I bought a pair of large Advents in the summer of 1971, the first audiophile purchase I ever made, and kept those speakers a good 15 years. When I sold them, they played as well as the day that I bought them. Advent Corporation was one of the first companies that I ran across that gave value for the dollar. A true pioneer in the history of Audio, Henry Kloss will be missed.
My first truly decent speakers were KLH 6's, and I still recall how much I enjoyed how they made music. Just recently, I bought my wife a Tivoli AM/FM radio, and we both enjoy it. Henry has made his mark on my life just like he has many others. As Rayhall says, he will be missed.
I still own a 1978 model 710 6ft projection tv he made. Still runs fine and has original tubes. I bought it new in 1978 for $2000. Built like a tank.
I sold Advent product in the early days..and remember many, many things about Mr. Kloss and his ground-breaking products.

At the audio store I worked we would compare large Advents to the Yamaha NS-1, Dahlquists and the ESS AMT-1 with the Heil driver....often to have customers like the Advents best!

Once, at the CES in the Drake Hotel in Chicago, I had the pleasure of seeing a videotape (1" Sony?) on the prototype of the Advent Videobeam at 1:00 AM with several of the people from Advent.

Mr. Kloss was truly one of the greatest in the audio/video world. For us audio lovers there is much we owe to the likes of Nelson Pass, Mr. Conrad and Mr. Johnson, Mr. Johnson at ARC...and (thank God) so many more,...but to none do we owe more thanks than Henry Kloss.

Without Mr. Kloss and his Large Advents...the high-end would not have evolved as it did.