In listening to your system(s)...what is most crucial to your enjoyment?

In growing up around live musicians and instruments, the authenticity of sound, timbre ( Timbre is French in origin, which is apparent in its pronunciation: it is often pronounced \TAM-ber\ and, with a more French-influenced second syllable, \TAM-bruh\. ... And timbre may also be correctly pronounced just like timber as \TIM-ber\) ...a search finds diversity to the definition of timbre.  For me, it ties to "my truth" when I hear non-amplified instrument or group of instruments, voice or voices presented before me.  Changes to my system either get me closer or further from my truth.  Emphasis "my truth" because I've come to believe, like our other senses, it differs among us, leaving "experts" to theirs, some of which seem to "fit" mine.  It's fun when that happens.  Robert E Greene of TAS and Art Dudley of Phile seem to have advised me towards my truth over the years (with bits of disagreement here and there) but, they have steered me well, thanks.  What do you find crucial?

Showing 2 responses by ivan_nosnibor

@whart +1

When it's right and real sounding, it's either all too hard or it's all too easy to list all the individual things that matter. When you know you're there, it's really a total result overall.
I built my ($8k) system not to ’scale the summit’ by itself, per se, but primarily to avoid all the usual sorts of mistakes that I saw being imposed by manufacturers in the name of "costs", "practicality" or the "traditional approach" based more on what they see that people buy, not on what they might actually benefit from (I went open baffle [DIY] instead of boxed and with active [fully adjustable] electronic crossovers). Then I, too, started to dig down on improving what I had...noise floor reduction, EQ, delay, grounding, etc...and later this year will be adding a dedicated listening room onto the house. I've spent more on "tweaks" than I have on the system.

Right now, just a total falling away of colorations, lack of clarity, etc and everything here has taken such a complete step forward, that the "gulf" that has always existed between me and the performers has not just diminished, but has actually been erased.

Hopefully by the start of 2021, I think I will have just found my "exit".