In doubt about vac phi 170 IQ mono blocks and zesto eros 300 mono blocks

I Have "magico A3" loud speakers and now i want to buy an amp for them. I thought about buying two "phi 170 IQ" of "vac" but in the last week  iv'e heard and red a lot of recommendation about "zesto" mono blocks "eros 300" (both of them costs the same price, 20000$). So I'm a bit confused, can anyone raise some opinions to any direction and sure i would gladly be open to hear recommendation about different amplifiers too.
Thanks to anyone.

Showing 2 responses by joecasey

Had VAC, ARC ... checkout CAT. JL5 can easily drive A3. If budget allows go for JL7. Nothing beats high triode power driving real life speakers to MY ears.

Google "Magico and CAT" and checkout the videos and reviews. They teamed up several years ago at shows. I believe CAT is the only tube company ever teamed with Magico.

Only experienced Zesto at shows. Bit too warm for my taste.