In doubt about vac phi 170 IQ mono blocks and zesto eros 300 mono blocks

I Have "magico A3" loud speakers and now i want to buy an amp for them. I thought about buying two "phi 170 IQ" of "vac" but in the last week  iv'e heard and red a lot of recommendation about "zesto" mono blocks "eros 300" (both of them costs the same price, 20000$). So I'm a bit confused, can anyone raise some opinions to any direction and sure i would gladly be open to hear recommendation about different amplifiers too.
Thanks to anyone.

Showing 4 responses by haimr

OK, thanks a lot for your suggestion , i will try to find more options to consider
@joecasey I've heard that CAT have wonderful  amplifiers, but unfortunately the JL7 is over my budget and there is another problem , main problem, that there isn't a CAT dealer at my country, so its a bit of problem. I can only buy second hand of CAT, but i didn't see JL7 for sale only JL2....
Thanks a lot for you response and suggestion !