In defense of quantum products.

There are many audio products that have the word quantum in their name. The brand names Synergistic Research, Bybee and Kemp and Audio Magic come to mind. There are others.

Frankly, some of the explanations for these products are difficult for me to understand. I understand the general theory of quantum physics but when it comes to the details I often find myself getting lost very quickly. Are the explanations offered up by makers of quantum products accurate or not? And does it really matter? Is audio about understanding what manufacturers say or about enjoying the music?

Personally, I am only concerned whether the product works in my system. If the explanation is satisfactory but it does not deliver I could not care less about the theories offered in their defense. Happily, I have been lucky with products from Synergistic Research, Bybee and Audio Magic. I have not used any Kemp products yet.

What have your experiences been with quantum products?

Showing 13 responses by sabai

Elizabeth, Ozzy and Tpreaves, what have your experiences been with quantum products when you listened to them in your systems?
I always roll the dice when choosing components, cabling and tweaks. I have little choice since I live overseas and don't have the opportunity to audition products. The way I see it, nothing ventured nothing gained. Life itself is a roll of the dice when you open one eye in the morning. So why not audio?

Through trial and error I have been lucky to come up a big winner with my system. I have lost along the way too because that is inherent in trial and error. But over the long haul there is no question but that various quantum products have taken my system to a level that would have been impossible to achieve without them.
Onhwy61, to clarify, I have not ONLY been lucky. I have in fact been very rational and methodical about this. It has taken me 6 years to get here. Of course, luck always enters into it in audio because you never can tell before you push the on button, can you?
Ozzy, I don't quite understand. Was it repaired -- but not to your satisfaction cosmetically. Or was it not repaired at all?
Ozzy, That was definitely a no-no experience. I agree. I am surprised that Jack Bybee did not repair it or come clean. I have respect for Jack Bybee because of the superior results I have had with his products. No question. I have never had a repair issue.
Sarcher30 says: "I don't own any so I can't say if thats good or not." So how is it possible to talk of snake oil or support someone who talks about snake oil or to indulge in any other denigrating comments if you have no actual experience with the product? We see this time and again on these forums. It is this sort of gratuitousness that lowers the level of discussion and chases away intelligent opinions. This leaves the paying field to "special" folks.
Ozzy and Sarcher30, This repair thing is difficult to believe. I'm not saying it did not occur but Jack Bybee is a very savvy person and a very competent maker of high performance products -- in my system and in the systems of many people who have reported this fact over the years. To think he would not be able to make such a simple repair and would go to all this trouble to give someone the opportunity to malign him stretches my imagination. I cannot for the life of me figure this whole thing out.
Since we have not heard from the other side we don't know the full story. That's all I'm saying. I am not discounting what has been reported here. But there are always 2 sides to every story.
Sarcher30, No nerves hit. Just want to be fair to both sides. Thanks for your impressions of the Nordost Quantum. I have always been curious about it but have never heard it. There are a lot of positive reports about it. Your impressions show there are 2 sides to the story.
Mapman, There are many "quantum" products reported to improve the quality of high end audio systems. These reports are the subject of countless threads on Audiogon and other forums. They are about products from such companies as Synergistic Research, Bybee (there are two companies marketing Bybee products, I believe), Audio Magic, Kemp and Nordost, among others. There are an awful lot of people who have recognized "quantum" products as being innovative. With all due respect, I believe you are swimming upstream here.

I have products from 3 of these companies in my system and they have brought an amazing improvement in the sound. I do not believe that these companies are worse that any others in the field of marketing. I do not think they are trying to create the impression that their products are "more revolutionary on innovative" than they are -- any more than any other companies. There is not a single manufacturer I know of -- "quantum" or "non-quantum" -- that does not "accentuate the positive". So, we should be wary of all claims, not only "quantum-related" claims.

I have no idea what this sentence of yours means: "It's almost certainly a marketing ploy based on principles whose application to the task at hand are nebulous at best and done most likely merely to increase the perceived value of the product."
Mapman, I agree that the price tag that accompanies many of these products is high. Since many people are able to audition products before buying (Synergistic Research has a program for this) there is virtually no risk in auditioning to see if their "nebulous principles" translate into nebulous products.

I believe that some of the explanations are nebulous -- not the principles -- because I have heard what some of these products can do. And what they can do is often very impressive in my system, and in others' as well.

Yes, it is always possible that similar results may be obtained less expensively. I think the best way to go about this is to wait till the heat is off and they bring out Mark II and Mark III. Then the earlier versions can often be had at a reasonable price. And if you have already auditioned what you are looking for you can do well.

Manufacturers' explanations never deter me. I really don't care what they say. Every manufacturer touts their own products. I am buying sound, not explanations. I look for sonic results. That's all that matters to me.
Everyone has their opinion which is as it should be. The final arbiter is the ears. IMO.
I have over 15 Bybee products in my system. They do exactly what you say. They have transformed my system.