In a lot of these threads people say without the room being treated

It's a waste of money to upgrade you're system. The problem is I don't think most people know how to treat their rooms. I really think it takes a professional to know how to treat a room. Sure you can play around with it if you like but it could also be a big waste of time and money. And I know hiring a person to acoustically treat a room can't be cheap. I wonder why more people don't discuss this subject and make recommendations on who does this kind of work. When I look at the big picture this makes the most sense.


Showing 1 response by slaw

I agree with zmanastonomy that treating a small room is critical. Mesch has a good idea as well. I did the same thing but it wasn't intentional.

I started out with several 4x8 bass traps from Ready Acoustics. In the big scheme of things, these are relatively inexpensive and allow the user to modify if they have the time and tools. I started out from the recommendations of the manufacturer at first and then played around with positioning. ( I'm lucky that I don't mind putting holes in my walls and the WAF isn't a factor at the moment). This is informative as it gives one real time experience in how they interact with your room. As my system has progressed through the years, I've found that better sound has come from removing, adjusting and repositioning as well as modifying.