Improvised equipment stand

I had this rather attractive but large rack for my equipment. I don't believe you can improve the sound of your system with some miraculous rack as some do, but I convinced myself that the rack along the front wall, about three feet behind the speakers, was causing some sort of acoustic interference. In a large pet shop, I spotted some rather attractive, flat black, all steel, industrial looking aquarium stands. Depending on size the price ranged from $60. to $100. CDN. They are obviously very sturdy due to the weight of aquariums. I chose a thirty inch wide model, thirty inches high and thirteen inches deep for $95.00. It fits perfectly in my room and is much less obtrusive than the rack it replaced. To cut down on possible resonance, I probably will buy some aerosol expanding foam insulation and will fill the large circular tubes with it, just to be on the safe side. For the top, I think I will try to locate a cement paver of the right size. My turntable goes on top, with the equipment fitting perfectly between the upright tubes. I have an extra set of speaker spikes, which I may install on the bottom of the stand. Looks good, is sturdy and, wait, wait, I think my speakers image better ...

Showing 1 response by brulee

A good rack setup has given me better performance than a new, highly praised piece of gear. I truly believe you don't know what your gear is capable of until it is sitting on a good rack setup done properly, or properly done Neuance? Hint, hint, hint.