So i have a sony plasma TV...(the kde55xbr950)...and lost the media box in a move....and the back of the TV has DVI input for video and analog inputs(red and white ) for AUdio....
So i went out and bought the DVDo vp30 ..jsut so i could have a scaler and a HUb(and great that it has 4 HDMI ports for later) for my other componets(like DVD i dont have to keep changing out the wires when i want to watch a DVD) i bought a HDMI to DVi cable and video works great......
Now i have a problem with audio...i hook up the two Analog coming from my TV to the Cable box...but i rather hook it up to the DVDO but there is no output for analong....(so i can hook up my cable box to the dvdo and then the dvdo to the TV..but it cant be done)....the DVDO only has outputs for digital audio and a optical ou(and my TV doens not have inputs for those..oNLY ANALOG)....NOT sure what to do...
I called up DVDO and..they said to buy a DAC(DIGITAL TO ANALOG converter)....tried that doesnt i have a cambridge audio DACMAGIC 2..sitting here....(when i hook it up via DAC...the sound comes out with some sort of high pitched humming and static...)..PLEASE HELP...!!!..ANYONE!!!..

Showing 1 response by avguygeorge

"spdif"= Sony Philips Digital Inter Face---The guy whom sold you a 2ch dac should have known better. All the new cable or Sat. boxes output only the DD,DTS format. (Even if the source is DD 2.0)You have to hook this to a processor or a receiver) Further, DVI is video,only HDMI is vid.and aud.on one cable and this must be hooked to the newer pieces with HDMI input.