importance of phono cartridge

Is a cartridge more important to total system sonics than a turntable/tonearm, will a $1600 TT/tonearm with a high end cartridge sound better than a $5000 TT/tonearm with a average cartridge

Showing 5 responses by nrchy

AT the risk of sounding like I'm talking down to you, I have to say: nothing in the system will replace what a lesser quality cartridge did not retrieve from the LP. The closer a piece of gear is to the source the more it will affect the sound since the rest of the system magnifies what took place earlier, while adding it's own signature.

Start at the source and work your way to the speakers. This will result in the most satisfying musical experience.
Just to clairfy, I did not mean to indicate that a disproportionate ammount of money spent on any single item is a good idea.

Doug is correct when he says that the TT/arm/cartridge need to be viewed as a whole. At least I think that's what he said! None of the parts can opperate seperately, but they are individuals. My proportions are similar to Dougs:
TT Sota Cosmos= $5450
Arm TriPlanar- $3900
Cartridge Zyx Airy 3x- $3000 (?) not exactly sure of price. Dougs cartridge is better!
cable to phono stage- Purist Venustus $1700
Phono - Pass Labs XOno $4200

If the table is not stable and speed control varies a great arm or cartridge will not overcome these issues. If the arm resonates or is a lesser match for the cart or table the two others can not make up for these problems.

The only real world solution is to buy the best of each that you can afford to buy. Keep in mind that a TT or arm will not wear out as quickly as a cartridge, so if you're planning to build a system around the cartridge, know what you want, but buy it last.

Turntables and arms last indefinately, cartridges maybe 1000 hours +/- depending on quality...
His gems are short, but some of his plays, poems, and stories were long... winded.
Doublebass, I did the same thing several years ago. AP loaned me a 2.5m pair of Dominus IC. WOW!!! Till I heard that cable I never would have believed the difference one short length of cable could make. I got a lot of flack for my review, but I stand by my findings.

Thanks again AP.

I have had an all Purist system for some time now. Until recently there was a pair of Museaus included, but I just ordered Opis from Porterhouse audio. He said he'd throw in a box of steaks, so how could I pass???
I'm checking into having Purist build a cable for my Cosmos. The motor is DC, so I want to have the imbilical cord running between the power supply and the TT upgraded from stock.

A couple of people have mentioned that upgrading that cord really helped. So far I have yet to be disappointed by Purist cables, but they won't add back what the cartridge didn't get from the LP.