Importance of Good Speaker Stands?

I have a pair of decent speaker stands for my Wharfedale pacific evo 8 bookshelf speakers. Stands sit on on hardwood floor with rounded spikes underneath the base. The speakers themselves sit ontop of vibrapods for some sound dampening.

My question is this: I can, but have not filled my stands with steel shots and/or sand like I've read many do. Will this result in a noticable improvement and if so what does it do to the sound? Also, any recomendations on fill material and where to get it?


Showing 1 response by karelfd

I have Liedtke stainless steel "Diva Exclusive" stands and have filled them with very fine quartz sand (odorless :-)) from the DIY store. As pointed out by Jax2 and Vandermeulen: dirt cheap and may prove to be a tremendously effective tweak. One word of warning, so you don't have to find out the hard way: don't fill the stands to the rim, it'll kill the sound, 2/3 to 3/4 of their height will probably give you the best results (at least that is what worked best for me).