Importance of Good Speaker Stands?

I have a pair of decent speaker stands for my Wharfedale pacific evo 8 bookshelf speakers. Stands sit on on hardwood floor with rounded spikes underneath the base. The speakers themselves sit ontop of vibrapods for some sound dampening.

My question is this: I can, but have not filled my stands with steel shots and/or sand like I've read many do. Will this result in a noticable improvement and if so what does it do to the sound? Also, any recomendations on fill material and where to get it?


Showing 1 response by dmloring

Wow, thanks everyone for your responses. It sounds like it's an worthwhile inexpensive tweak to try. Now, sneaking the sand into the house without my wife finding out will be the tricky part. Truth be told, the vibrapods and cones have made a significant improvement on my CD player and turntable. I did not, however, really notice any difference when placing them between the speaker stand and speakers.

With respect to rounded spikes vs "spiky" spikes (sorry, no other way to describe it), is there an advantage. I figured the spiky spikes were for when your stands were on carpet, and the rounded spikes were for flooring. Elizabeth- I'll give your paper pressure test a try.