IMHO, not enough gain in my Phono stage

I use RegaP3 table with Denon DL130 high output cart through Rotel stand alone phono stage. I noticed that my CD source has much better volume levels. I have to turn my LP source volume Up on my amplifier and turn it DOWN when the source is CD.
I am thinking I am not getting enough gain form the Phono stage. It is standart Rotekl stage ,they make only one model and it is both MM/MC. It is reviewd favorably for its equalisitaion and sound, but I am startiung to think that it is a weak link in my chain.
BTW, I use Music HAll 100W AB receiver to amplify the signal.
I know there are 101 better or more expensive phono pre-amps out there ,but I want marked improvement without spending $1000.00.
What say you? Which Phono stage I should try to improve my sound and volume?

Showing 1 response by almeida100

Unless you have an ARCAM rPhono with an MC gain of up to 82 dB, it is best to use a line amplifier such as the BERESFORD TC-780LC.
I use an AUDIOLAB 8000A to amplify the signal from the CAMBRIDGE AUDIO 651p, using the AUDIOLAB PRE-OUT output to my main amplifier, through which audible signal degradation is very difficult to notice.