Image depth

Can anyone offer a technical explanation of how a stereo system recreates image depth? Why are some center images behind the speakers, and others in front of the speakers, for example.
Should there be any depth to a mono recording, or should the image be directly in line with the speakers?

Showing 1 response by mozartfan

I just completed most of my mods/upgrades in my system. The list is too long to describe. 
New high tech  mods will affect sound fq resolution = depth. 
Ck all my YT uploads , espec my latest , as now my sound has depth.  That is fq resolution/instrumental separations.

Depth is real, 
What before was FLAT,,now has depth. 
Yeah cost mea  bunch, but well worth it. 
Most stock components  need mods to acheive depth. 
A amp lab is not going to put in high price/high tech parts, Just not, Never did , never will.