Ikeda 407 Tone Arms - New or Vintage

I am interested in this tone arm for a Garrard 301. I have been told that some of the older versions of this arm are better than what is currently available. Can anybody speak to this issue? Does anybody know where I can get one of these? Thanks, Mark

Showing 9 responses by nandric

I sold my Ikeda 407 because I prefer FR-64 s which is also much


I own two and just listed one with B-60 replica on the German

site ''audio-markt.de''. The arm for 2000 euro and B-60 for

700 euro. 

Dear Dover, your moral is curious. As a former seller of electronic

stuff with 30% fees for your so called ''services;''  you are critizing

'''small  and accidental sellers '' who try to get their own money

back. Also curious that you have no idea about fees which

A''gon market charges and those by much larger German site

which charge 5 euro per item for two months listing.  Even more

curious is that we enjoy and value your  musical  judgment then

your, say, comercial kinds. 

Dear dover,  I am not sure if ''holy water'' or wine from (Dutch) New Zeeland

made you so altruistic but in the rest of the world prices are still dominant

factor. In Holland, for example, all prices are 5,99; 29,99, etc, sugesting

that diference of 1 cent make the whole euro ''invisible''. That is to say

that that the prices are 5 and 29 euro's while 1 cent does not even

exist as currency.  

chakster, ''the key to using the arm with high compliance cartridges 

is to get the counterweght as close to the pivot as possible''. 

This means, according to me, the question about ''universal arm''. 

I own Sumiko 800 ( ''the arm'') with 6 counterweights meant not

so much for ''compliance'' but well for different cartridges weight.

Those 6 are meant for cartriges of 6 g till 26 g. But back than

people bought just one counterweight corresponding with ONE

cart which people used to own. That is why my sample is so


I started an thread ''on what there is'' and got all kinds of reactions

except the ''relevant kinds''. Well ''there is Sumiko 800 with 6

different weights  ''  but its ''existance'' make no sense when

nobody is aware ot this ''fact''. 

Dear dover, you forget to name just one with 6 counterweight while

the expression ''multiple''  of them does not say exactly how

many are involved. The difference  is as by ''numerical quantifiers''

versus  ''universal'' which are not determinate.   

edgewear, ''universal quantifiers'' are used to expres generality.

The so called ''universal satements'' are so ''composed''.

I am not aware of existance of ''verstile statements'' of any kind. 

Dear dover,  ''at least 4'' does not exist in the number theory.

This then must be your meta-mathematic (grin). 

billwojo, you can perhaps dream about infinite numbers buy you

can't  make infinite number of countrerights.