ifi LAN iSilencer

I discovered this Ethernet signal purifier for network audio streamers, just by chance, while surfing the internet.  I have an extremely highly resolving hifi system.  After reading all the positive customer comments and reviews, I said to myself, what the heck, only 89 bucks, let's go for it.  After receiving the ifi, as recommended, I plugged it into my audio switch, then plugged one end of the ethernet cable into it, and plugged the other end of that ethernet cable into my DAC/Streamer.  Now, I already have a variety of audio tweaks throughout my system, including my speakers.  But when I added the ifi, the background got even deeper, darker and blacker.  It was absolutely amazing!!!  This little gizmo worked exactly as advertised!!!  Highly recommended.         


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There was a sequential series of clear and unambiguous audio performance improvements provided by the following upgrades as follows until concluding with the iFI Silencer:

in order: investing in the following for my MOON 280D MIND2 streamer / DAC.

- First, premium silver over copper high-end build Ethernet cables with Telegartner connectors

- Next, an “ audiophile grade’ Silent Angel network switch ( yeah, yeah I know, I was a card-carrying “WTF? Are you sh**tin’me?” Hardline skeptic too, until I actually bought one myself …. It worked for me )

-Next, an external quality high-end build linear power supply for the Silent Angel network switch, replacing the cheap provided OEM switch style wall wart .(this wall wart was better than most ) 

NOTE: All three.had progressive incremental audio performance upticks.

Finally, I read about first and drank the KoolAid reviews and bought the IFI gizmo…..

my take ….” Kind of? … maybe a bit, I guess ….” to even leaning to “meh?”


- The iFI did not have anywhere near the same clear and unambiguous audio performance upticks produced by my first three steps above .

- In fairness, it is a very small size apparatus and a non-unique device among other available peer options, offered at a puny fraction of the price of each other three items first listed .

= Choose wisely.





I. Saw this video and realized that I may have it positioned incorrectly. Instead of having it as a last item in the chain at the player/dac, …maybe it should be at the wall into the router itself 




im retooling it ….will report back later in a week or do 

Here’s a positive live testimonial. .


The more resolution your system provides (ergo….high-end in lockstep with price …), the “better” it works .


NOTE: there are other options out there operating in the same filtering principles.

This  is not going to provide a Jesus or A-Hah moment on its own, , but at its puny price as part of an overall cradle-to-grave approach,  it helps.