If you were looking for a direct drive turntable ...

Let's say one that cost less than $3K, with cartridge, what would you look at? I'd been thinking about a Technics SL-1200GR, but they seem no longer to be available. Which has led me to the Thorens 403, the Music Hall Stealth, and ...?

Please do help.

Unless, that is, I end up getting a Rega and stick with belt drive.

Thanks for indulging me on my quest, as I'm old and don't have limitless funds.

-- Howard



Showing 2 responses by billstevenson

I am surprised that people still get energized over the drive mechanisms used in better turntables.  In my view whether a belt or direct drive is used is about as impropant as what color the plinth is.  It is true that my every day TTs are both DD, but I would be happy to own belt drives from Dr. Feickert, Kuzma, SME, Rega or Air Force and so on.  Really we should be focused on more important issues, like tonearms and cartridges, and trying to figure out a way to pool our resources to help each other sort through phono preamps and SUTs.

Yes Raul you keep posting good information and It is appreciated by me.  I hope others are reading it too.  For example the recent technical paper of 9" vs. 12" tonearms, which is excellent.
