I will say that with my DirectStream DAC + Bridge 2, going from an all copper ethernet connection directly to my router to going with TP Link optical converters on both sides and a long optical run, including using linear power supplies for the optical converters, router and modem, made a notable improvement with blacker background and more nuanced sound.
Now that I've purchased a Holo May DAC and am using Roon for streaming, it seems like the USB is the best way to feed this DAC for streaming, and given that the Optical Rendu does both USB and Roon, it seems like the way to go. I already have the optical cable and plenty of linear power supplies, but my TP: Link isn't the right one (need single speed gigabit). I'm looking for advice for serving up the optical to the Rendu. Get a different converter, or get a switch with a built in optical outlet? If possible, please provide a model or link to your recommendation, and why.
Thanks, Peter