If You Like Funk: Check Out Vulfpeck

Please leave your thoughts: love it, hate it, somewhere in between or indifferent? And I apologize for the bad dancing white guy in the video. 
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Showing 5 responses by grey9hound

When it comes to Galactic ,some albums sound very "Rappish" and some do not .
The ones that are Very Good IMO are
We Love ’Em Tonight (Live at Tipitina’s)
Coolin’ Off
Crazyhorse Mongoose
Into The Deep

Those and try doing a Pandora station with "The New Mastersounds"
If you like FUNK, you will get some excellent funk doing that.
Almost anything by "The New Mastersounds" is Excellent .
The newest album by them is "Renewable Energy". It is Excellent.
If you like Downbeat Stuff try :
Nightmares on Wax - In a Space Outta Sound
Or if you like Acid Jazz try some :
Mushroom Jazz (8) (6) or (7)
BTW I am 56 years old :)
"Funky Destination" is a cool group
"Resolution is Only Solution " is the album that  get from Pandora  .
I am using 
"Nightmares On Wax" as the Station name .
I am getting a lot of Cool stuff this way .
BTW .. I am using a Roku Ultra with HDMI out to the 4K HDR capable  HDMI in of the Freaking Awesome Oppo -UDP-203.
The Oppo has 2 HDMI ouputs .
#1HDMI out   is Audio Only (I am sending it  to an HDMI Input on My McIntosh MX151) the Other 4K HDR . #2 HDMI output is going to My Sony 70 inch 4K TV.
It is Unreal how good the sound is ... Better than my JRiver into the Mx151 , with HDMI also.
All of my HDMI cables are all Purist Audio Design... except one .
The one HDMI cable that goes from The Roku out  to the Oppo-203 in , is the Wireworld  HDMI Starlight 6.
I Know this is  a lot to Digest, But I have never heard anything sound this good.
Amps are McIntosh MC30s (restored by Yves Beauvais at Vintage Vacuum Audio)
Pre-Amp is McIntosh MX151 (with Lyngdorf Room Correction)
Interconnects are the AWESOME Purist Audio Design- Dominus-Fluid .
Power Cable for the MX151 is Purist Audio Dominus -Fluid
Speakers are the Tekton Double Impact.
Speaker cables are The Sonoran Desert Plateau by Star Sound Technologies
Speakers are the Tekton Double Impact..
The speakers are also sitting on the Sistrum Apprentice Platforms .
I am sorry about ranting and raving , BUT, I have never heard a system sound this GOOD.
Very Natural Unforced Sound with KILLER BASS , imaging..etc .
 I cannot believe it myself. For the first time in Many many years , I am completely satisfied with this setup

Cool .I am glad that you liked it .
Try also
Galactic-Vintage Reserve 2003
Galactic -Late For The Future -2000
Soulive- Steady Groovin
Galactic -Coolin Off