If You Like Funk: Check Out Vulfpeck

Please leave your thoughts: love it, hate it, somewhere in between or indifferent? And I apologize for the bad dancing white guy in the video. 
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Showing 6 responses by david_ten

I was hoping for better, much better. Not Funk.

With Frogman - bubble-gummy is a compliment. Thin, Pop'y in the extreme. However, it will likely do well since it is catchy (song and video) and built to go the Karaoke distance.

I listened to it via Tidal first and then watched the YouTube video. 

The album name "The Beautiful Game" and cover is also problematic (for me). Gareth Bale's goals in the Champions League Final are more like it. : )

Despite the above, thanks for bringing a new group to my attention and your back story on it. For that I am grateful.
@astewart8944   Since you are reaching out to your sons, here is something from before their birth, that (in my opinion) remains current, especially since we are talking 'Funk.'  This is a New Orleans group, another reason for sharing. : ) 

Galactic // 'Crazyhorse Mongoose'


Stanton Moore on drums.

I've been 100% streaming for quite some time now, so cannot help with CD selection. Maybe someone who knows the labels well, can direct you.

Glad you like it!
As an additional note: Jon is from Kent, England, which makes his love of New Orleans Blues, Jazz etc. all that more special.

Basin Street Records (on Prytania) was down the street from us when we lived in Uptown.

Less we forget, this thread started by my teenage boys being willing to have me ask y'all what you thought of a band they current follow. BTW my family now calls this thread "old audio funk dudes"

@astewart8944   My recommendation of Galactic was because they are Funk but are also evolving...which is why I suggested them as a bridge group for your sons.

They will likely appreciate Childish Gambino... the "Awaken, My Love!" or Kauai albums.

Remind them that not all of Dad's audio dudes are listening to old funk. : )
This one may make the "old audio funk dudes" cringe, but may be more in your sons’ repertoire:

Pigeons Playing Ping Pong. (start with the Psychology or Pleasure albums, if they haven’t listened prior)

BTW, great to hear that you are enjoying ’Crazy Mongoose.’