If you had access to a time machine, what concerts would you go back to see?

2020 was the first year of my adult life that I did not attend any concerts. I'm sure that I'm not alone in this unfortunate situation. So, this got me thinking about both the concerts that I "missed" (could've gone, but something went wrong) or concerts I "wished I'd had the chance to see."

Plus, I thought this would be a good bookend to the ongoing (and excellent) thread about "the worst concert you ever saw."


Showing 1 response by eonsx311

Pink Floyd - Pulse
20 October 1994

I was almost 4 but at an early age I developed a love for Pink Floyd. I began to follow them from city to city at the age of 5 years only realizing that this masterpiece had been 1 year prior. What a shame.
But seriously - I would go back as my adult self and see this concert. My light is still flashing.