If you had access to a time machine, what concerts would you go back to see?

2020 was the first year of my adult life that I did not attend any concerts. I'm sure that I'm not alone in this unfortunate situation. So, this got me thinking about both the concerts that I "missed" (could've gone, but something went wrong) or concerts I "wished I'd had the chance to see."

Plus, I thought this would be a good bookend to the ongoing (and excellent) thread about "the worst concert you ever saw."


Showing 2 responses by edcyn

Beatles at the Hollywood Bowl. My sister had a friend who had a very good seat.  She was supposedly hoarse for the next several days due to all her screaming.

The Doors at the Whiskey. 

I got to say, though, that I went to lot of legendary concerts when I was, ahem, a bit younger.
Fun thread. I actually went to my share of those concerts you guys went to or wish they had.