If you could, what live performances would you enjoy re-living?

I have interest in hearing about yours.   I can think of some great concerts over the years in many great buildings, from Hancher in Iowa City, to Fisher Hall in New York, to some bars in Copenhagen. 

Something I have noticed....performers have times they are more "on" just like us, and it can make their concerts be perceived at different levels.   I know the three times I saw Jackson Browne, each was much different and most of that was his intent.  Having a good sized group with very talented back up singers to the time I saw him solo....all great, but very different.  He is a better guitar player than he may be given credit for. 

The live Jazz I have been to in NYC is near the top.  Sweet Basil and the Blue Note through the years have been very good to me, but in a much different vein, the lakefront festivals in Milwaukee are a somewhat unknown to most of America. 

I did see a few artists before their success and fame, saw a famous British singer at a bar in Rapid City many years ago..and he has done well since. 

Take care,


Showing 1 response by r_f_sayles

Gregg Allman tour 1974 Detroit Masonic Temple

last row center against the back wall. Enjoyed every minute of Gregg’s Hammond B3 and his blue eyed soul. Miss you brother!

Pink Floyd Animals Cleveland Municipal (baseball) Stadium 1977 about 15 ft from stage center. The scalped main floor (infield) ticket was $10, so was the Mr. Natural. Their jetliner buzzed the lake front stadium, they miked it, amplified it, and sent it around their surround sound, and the big pig and floating sheep. :)

J.J. Cale twice at the Ann Arbor Ark, less than six feet from him. The master of subtlety. Carried out Chrisine’s Moonstone rosewood guitar for her while we talked. 

David Bowie Glass Spider tour 1987-8 after meeting him at Iggy Pops birthday party at the Metro-Rock Cafe, Royal Oak. Bowie literally bumped into me and then struck up a conversation. Met Adrian Belew at that get together. He thought he actually knew me. Great chap. Very down to earth guy. 

And like wolf_garcia said...