If you could remaster three cd's...

There is a lot of great music out there, but some just sound like crap because of the recording quality, pressing, compression, etc. If you could have three of your favorite cd's remastered for better sound quality which ones would you pick? The new U2 is an excellent example of great music with terrible sound quality, ditto for Santana's Supernatural.

Showing 2 responses by imin2u

How about ANY Tim Curry solo album just making it out on CD? Or the excellently engineered second album by Missing Person's which never appeared on CD? Hell, throw in their third (and last) while you're at it.
Ooops! I forgot Tori Amos' breakthrough album "Little Earthquakes", the classic Fleetwood Mac albums "Fleetwood Mac" and Rumours", and Kate Bush's masterpiece "The Dreaming".